Instead of working with one lender and wondering if you’re getting a good rate, the program leverages competition among a network of the nation’s top lenders to ensure you’re getting the lowest financing rates available.
APPLY | Submit one easy online application in seconds. |
CHOOSE | The first 3 lenders to approve your application submit their offers - choose the best one. |
EARN | Get your equipment, get to work, and start growing revenue. |
Conserve Your Cash | Conserving cash to cover expenses is huge for managing the ups and downs of business. Why deplete your cash reserves on large capital expenditures that can easily be financed when you can use that money for other investments in your business. |
Pay As you Earn | Equipment generates revenue. That's why you buy it. Financing lets you align the investment with the income generated over the life of the equipment. |
Manage Cash | Locking in fixed monthly payments helps you manage your books easier. |
Tax Advantages | Ask your accountant about taking advantage of the Section 179 tax deduction for financed equipment. This gives you the ability to deduct the full value of the equipment the year you buy if that may make sense for your business. |